Create a free website, it is but I want more options!
That's it, you created a site on Wikeo and now you want to go further. We offer subscription packages cheap and easily accessible to all.
To this end, we offer you a maximum of different payment methods.
Payment by SMS
Over 99% of the Francophone population has a mobile phone, it's probably you. Then you know that sending an SMS is very simple. To subscribe to Wikeo via your mobile phone simply send an SMS to a certain number, you will then receive a code to enter the site interface and you will be subscribed in just minutes!
You do not have a mobile phone? No worries, pick up your phone and call a special number. A code will be given. Note this in the interface Wikeo and subscribe in 5 minutes.
Paypal is the safest way to make payments on the internet. Acclaimed by major retailers and eBay e-commerce, it has become a must-sector. It allows you to make purchases on the internet without needing to own a credit card and without risks. Paypal is recommended for payments of large sums of Wikeo.
Credit card
The current credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover are considered on Wikeo if you want to make your purchase through them. Payment is made in a secure environment, preventing any problem with theft of secret code.
Bancontact/Mister Cash
The system Bancontact / Mister Cash widespread in Belgium offers to anyone with a Belgian credit card to make payments via the Internet.
BNP Paribas Fortis, Belfius or ING
These major Belgian banks offer a payment system using their PC banking technology. If you have an account in one of these banks and you have access to their PC banking, you can subscribe on Wikeo via this payment method.